Daily Devotional

Morning Inspiration – STAY DILIGENT!

As you step out today, here’s a reminder of God’s word to you from Proverbs 22:29 [KJV]

“Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.”

NET Translation

“Do you see a person skilled in his work? He will take his position before kings; he will not take his position before obscure people.”

The MESSAGE Translation

“Observe people who are good at their work — skilled workers are always in demand and admired; they don’t take a backseat to anyone.”

Today’s Bible verse is a reminder of how important it is to STAY DILIGENT i.e. to preserve, to be hardworking and to stay dedicated to the work and business that you do.

This is because your commitment and perseverance to your work if you do not get tired or give up, will one day give you the desired results you hope for and also bring you before people of high relevance and people who appreciate your talent.

The dictionary defines: Diligent as having or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties. It also means a constant in effort to accomplish something; to be attentive and persistent in doing anything: pursued with persevering attention. 

Recently I was reminded of the importance of this scripture and what it means to ‘Stay Diligent’ at your work or business when I listened to an interview on YouTube of a dynamic young woman who became a social media sensation just by doing what she loved to do ‘Dancing’ and this gave her an audience before celebrities and high profile people she could only have dreamt of meeting.

As I sat and listened to her share the story of her childhood dreams, the challenges and hurdles she had to go through which tried to deter her yet she was determined, dedicated and stayed diligent to her dreams until that ‘one day’ when she posted this particular video and within hours she began trending on various Social Media platforms.

Her story and experience reminded me that commitment and dedication to one’s creative gift and talent will always pay off ‘one day’.

Your gift might not be dancing or related to anything that has to do with creative arts but there is a gift, a talent that God has put inside of you to impact your world.  Your gift could also be in the area of business, craft, occupation or the job role you carry out in your place of work.

You might have committed so much to the work you do and infact dedicated most of your resources just to get your big break but nothing seems to be happening.

And sometimes you feel frustrated because you think nobody notices what you do. You might even have said to yourself “when will your hard work and diligence pay off.”

David in 1 Samuel 16:14-23 who later became King David is another great example of today’s Bible verse. His diligence to his gift of playing the harp/lyre, a musical instrument to the sheep he tended for his Father and playing it consistently to an audience that seems unknown but cared to listen to his beautiful music.

Nothing seemed to be happening, as far he could see but unknown to him, his exceptional talent and skill were being talked about even in the palace. And ‘one day’ his audience change when his skill was required by King Saul.

Therefore, as you go about your daily business and activities today, be encouraged and motivated by today’s bible verse to keep you dedicated and committed to your work and business because in due season your ‘One Day’ change experience will happen and you will find that your staying diligent will position you before people of significance and relevance.

Remember, being Diligent is an important work ethic (that is applicable to the area of your health, education, career, and ministry too) you must strive to have as an individual because it is the fuel that keeps your passion going even when there’s no immediate reward or accolade 😉

Do have a blessed and fruitful day!

God bless you.




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