Daily Devotional

Morning Inspiration – GOD’S PERFECT TIME!

As you step out today, here’s a reminder of God’s word to you from Ecclesiastes 3:11 [NIV] with emphasis on the first part of the verse.

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart, yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”

Contemporary English Version Translation says,

“God makes everything happen at the right time. Yet none of us can ever fully understand all he has done, and he puts questions in our minds about the past and the future.

Good News Translation says,

“He has set the right time for everything. He has given us a desire to know the future, but never gives us the satisfaction of fully understanding what he does.”

The blossoming of the flower reminds us perfectly of the truth of today’s bible verse that God makes all things beautiful in his PERFECT TIME!

Today’s Bible verse is also a reminder from God to let you know that He knows what you are going through and He is working around the clock to make it all come together beautifully just at the right time which is His Perfect Time for you.

God’s perfect time comes with immeasurable blessings that will cause people to wonder,  ask what manner of blessings is this and cause them to what to hear your testimony.

Just like certain fruits grow only in autumn, winter, spring, and summer, you also find that the beauty of some flowers fades away in these seasons too.

Today’s Bible verse is an encouragement to you not to give up hope or on your prayers for a change in your situation or circumstances because God will make everything happen at the right time and no one will be able to take the glory when it happens other than God.

God created you for a purpose and allocated to you the number of your days which means that God is more interested in you fulfilling your purpose much more than you do because you help him accomplish His agenda. This is why you can trust God with the timing of your life and be rest assured in him that he will give to you all that is required for the fulfillment of His purpose for your life at the right and perfect time.

Therefore, as you go about your daily business and activities today, take time to meditate on this scripture and the various translations because God wants to speak even more deeply as you focus on him in this season of your life.

As you meditate on these translations, I trust that the Holyspirit will fill your heart with peace, joy, and hope.

And you will be reminded that no matter what you might be going through, however difficult or challenging the situation may be God has set a right and appropriate time for everything to be made beautiful.

Romans 8:28 also encourages you and me as believers in Christ “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” 

Remember, whatever challenge you are going through at the moment is just for a season and seasons don’t last forever. It always changes. Be encouraged.

Your change is here in Jesus name!

Do have a blessed and fruitful day!

God bless you.

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